
What are the benefits of Ford Oaks Solar & Green Infrastructure Facility?

The provision of Renewable and Local Carbon Energy helping the District and County to contribute towards the fights against the Climate Change Emergency.

An annual saving of c.7,430 tonnes of CO2 emissions, power generated equivalent to the 2020 power consumption of c.18,500 homes across the EX5 2 postcode area.

Delivering the guiding principles of the Devon County Council Green Infrastructure Strategy.

Use of lower grade agricultural land which can still be retained for grazing whilst producing electricity across the district.

Protection and enhancement of existing tree and hedgerows ensuring that the valley can retain its natural features.

Tree planting adjacent to the existing County Wildlife Site (CWS) located to the southeast of the proposed development site also include additional wetland habitat and wildflower planting.

The delivery of 121% biodiversity net gain is achieved through improvements which include creating grasslands habitats with species-rich seed mixes, Devon traditional meadows, a mosaic of wetland habitats, and beetle and butterfly banks.

Provision of natural water management systems which slow surface water runoff in each field and thereby reduces flooding offsite.

The proposed development would increase security of energy supply in the local area through more decentralised renewable energy generation and will assist the Councils in reducing carbon emissions.