Available Information
A number of the submitted documents, plans and assessment reports are available to view below;
- Planning Statement (PS)
- Appendix A to PS
- Appendix B to PS
- Appendix C to PS
- Design and Access Statement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Flood Risk Assessment and Detailed Drainage Design
- Geo-environmental Preliminary Risk Assessment
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Landscaping and Planting Schedule
- Ecological Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment
- Transport Statement (TS) & Outline Construction Transport Management Plan
- Heritage Impact Assessment including Archaeological Desk Based Assessment and targeted Geophysics survey and Report
- Agricultural Land Classification
- Glint and Glare Assessment
- Appendix C – Mitigation Measures within PhotomontagesÂ
- Appendix C – Mitigation Measures within Photomontages Images
- Farmer Grazing Letter
- South West Wildlife Trust Consultancies